G.W.R. Wood Fuel offer an exceptional delivery service, whether you require an artic load delivered, or a single bag delivered locally we can accommodate your needs.
Presently we operate three vehicles of varying size and capacity, from articulated timber lorry right down to our Transit Pick-up for small loads and otherwise inaccessible places.
We deliver locally, Delivery charge is dependent on location & the size of order placed, Alternatively collection from our yard is not a problem with our range of JCB “Loadall’s” & “Teletruck” we can load your vehicle & or trailer very promptly.
- GWR Wood Fuel is very much about a British family business, built on the values of trust, heritage and premium quality wood.
- All the firewood is made from sustainable British woodlands.
- The company prides itself on a high level of quality from company that is passionate about wood down to the firewood production and delivery service.
- We are the only company in Shropshire which collects firewood from sustainable British woodlands into our yard with our very own timber lorry, which is then processed into Kiln Dried logs and delivered to your door.
- We are involved in the whole process of our firewood from Forest to Front door.